DOCUMENTS, studies and articles
About Música en Colores
Report by Luis Margaño M
Method report for the prologue of the book "Música en Colores: Sistema audiovisual para la enseñanza de la música" by Estela Cabezas (1981).
Author's words and critical judgments.
Words by the author and critical judgments by experts for the publication of the book "Música en Colores: Sistema audiovisual para la enseñanza de la música" by Estela Cabezas (1981).
Article in the Revista Musical Chilena
Editorial, C. (1984). The "Music in Colors" method praised in Federal Germany. Revista Musical Chilena, 38(161), p. 82-84.
Article in the Journal of Education
Amanda Céspedes, 2006.
About Estela Cabezas
Article in the Revista Musical Chilena
Astudillo Rojas, C., & Carrasco González, F. (2021). Historical Musical Archive of Estela Cabezas (1921-2011). Chronicle of a donation. Revista Musical Chilena, 75(235), 261-262.
Thesis "The study for piano and its pedagogical purpose".
School of Musical Composition, Academia Humanismo Cristiano, 2021
Analysis of the play "Saudade" by Estela Cabezas
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2023.